this project was done in my school, it was challenge for the team. so many things that we didn't have idea how to do, the idea born from the goal to make a different video game, not a fancy shooter ,or a no sense RPG , it was a game to enjoy and discover yourself, inspired by games like journey and Dear Esther , a very unique and personal experience
i was responsible to model, texture ,look dev and rig of the robot also make a big part of the compositing , the animation was done by my friend Josue and the creature by my other friend Paola
this cinematic trailer tries to reflect a bit of the game concept
i watched the movie and i loved this character , so many time without making any hardcore zbrush , and this was the perfect opportunity.super asymmetric character, i dont use any alpha for the fina detail all was hand scultp
since i did to anna, couldn't wait to make another cartoonish character and i decide to make one of my favorites. i hope to post soon the final rig.. was rendered in Vray for maya
i made this for learning purposes, trying to become more comfortable inside modo 801 , i use a lot of procedurals textures and the powerful replicators..